To obtain your JSON key, follow the steps below:
1. First, Open the Google Play Console
Select Settings tab, followed by the API access tab
2. Click the Create Service Account button
2a) Select the Google API Console link
3. In the new window, click the Create Service Account button at the top of the developers console screen
4. In the pop-up, follow these steps:
- Provide a Service account name,
- Choose Project > Owner from the Role drop-down menu,
- Check the “Furnish a new private key” option and select JSON as Key type
- Click Create and you will be prompted to save the JSON file
5. Back on the Google Play developer console, click Finished to close the dialogue
6. Click on Grant access for the newly added service account
Do NOT edit the Email field.
Keep Access expiry date selected on Never
Choose Administrator from the Role dropdown
Leave all GLOBAL permissions checked
Click Add user to close the dialogue
You should be redirected to the Settings > User accounts & right and see the new user in the list.
7. Finally, Upload your JSON file you downloaded in Step 4 to the JSON Key field in the CMS.